The Bible Is A Love Story | It Is Written Part 7

In this series of articles, we have examined the Bible from many angles. The Bible is not just a book of religious rituals or philosophical fables. The Bible is the living revelation of God Himself.  The Bible is alive; and when you read it with faith, it comes alive inside of you and changes the way you think and live.
The Bible is our foundation for understanding who we are because it helps us understand who our Creator is.  The earth was not a cosmic accident and you are not merely a product of random evolution. You were born “on” purpose and “for” a purpose.
When you allow the Bible - God’s word - to have authority in your life, you will begin to see your life from an entirely different perspective. God’s word living in you changes everything: your identity, values, ambitions, relationship, etc.  You can trust the Bible to lead you down the best path in your spiritual journey.
So, why is the Bible so powerful? What is it about this book that separates it from every other piece of literature ever written? First of all, the author is God, who dictated His word to righteous men in history.
But the main reason that the Bible has such a powerful impact on our lives is that it is the biography of Jesus Christ. The Bible is His story. The central character in scripture is Christ - even in the Old Testament before He was born.  
In John 5:39, Jesus said, “You search the Scriptures because you think they give you eternal life. But the Scriptures point to me!”
The Bible is the greatest love story ever written. God loves mankind so much that He made a way to reconcile us back to Himself after the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. When sin entered the world, there was only one way to rectify that problem. Our sins had to be forgiven. A ransom had to be paid. But no one was qualified to pay that ransom because everyone has sinned.  
Only Jesus Christ was sinless, so He was the only one in history whose death could pay the price for all of the sins of mankind.  On the cross, Jesus paid for our sins. In the resurrection, Jesus conquered death and the grave. The Cross and the Resurrection changed everything.
The entire storyline of scripture is about our Creator implementing His plan to make a way for you and me to live with him forever in paradise. It’s true. It’s going to happen. Will you be there?
Jesus said, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” - John 3:16
Just think about it – eternal life – immortality – no sickness – no heartache – no death. This is how the story ends. This is the purpose of the Bible. This is the story of Jesus. The Bible is the greatest love story ever told.

This blog post was written by Pastor John Raymond of New Horizon Church in Slidell, Louisiana.

Pastor John Raymond