Dealing with Disappointment | Part 2

Disappointment can be so debilitating that it turns into devastation and then depression. It becomes like a runaway train and you have to find a way to stop it or derail it because if not, it can utterly destroy you.
In our story about David from last time, their town had been burned and their wives and children kidnapped.  
1 Samuel 30:4 & 6, “They wept until they could weep no more. David was now in great danger because all his men were very bitter about losing their sons and daughters, and they began to talk of stoning him. But David found strength in the Lord his God.”  
How about that? David was grieving for his own losses and had to face the fact that even his closest allies were blaming him and wanted to stone him to death because of what happened.
When disappointment is not dealt with properly, it can cause you to blame others and even want to make someone pay for your pain and loss.
But you can’t let your disappointments define you.  You can choose how to view and process that disappointing situation.   Nobody but you can make that choice. Nobody but you can take ownership of your own thoughts and feelings.
Don’t let the devil steal the joy of your future because of a disappointment in your past. Let’s see how David responds to this internal disappointment.
We read, “But David found strength in the Lord his God.” Another translation says, “But David strengthened himself in the Lord his God.” David took responsibility for his feelings. You need to find a place of strength in the midst of the disappointment.
Here’s a funny way to look at it; The first mate says, “Captain, a pirate ship is approaching on the horizon.”  “Quickly bring me my red shirt.” “Why do you want your red shirt?” “If I am wounded in battle, the men won’t be able to see the blood and they will fight on.”  He brought back the shirt and said, “Captain there are 100 pirate ships approaching from the stern.” The captain thought for a moment and said, “Quickly, bring me my brown pants.”
Sometimes you just have to control your emotions. You’ve got to dream again. You’ve got to strengthen yourself in the Lord your God and turn your focus away from those missed expectations and look to God for a new vision. Don’t give up!
A.W. Tozer, the famed Christian author, wrote, “It is doubtful that God can use anyone greatly, until he has been hurt deeply.”
The only way to completely avoid disappointment in life is to never expect anything in life. And that’s a very sad way to live. God can turn your test into your testimony.

This blog post was written by Pastor John Raymond of New Horizon Church in Slidell, Louisiana.

Pastor John Raymond